

Hi, my name is Mike Wang, and I’m an inner fitness trainer for heart-centered high performers and creator of the Inner Foundation Series contemplative training program.

I help people cultivate practical skills and strategies to dissolve outdated mental, emotional, and nervous system patterns that no longer serve them—replacing those patterns with updated, conscious ones that align with the external results they choose to create in their lives.

I'm also a meditation, qigong, tai chi and kung fu teacher - having practiced these contemplative mind-body practices for over 25 years and have been teaching out of my studio in Boulder, Colorado since 2007. 

I know what it’s like to sometimes struggle with daily life, because of my own experiences with overwhelm, self-limiting beliefs, and lacking clarity around what I truly wanted. Because of this, I often felt like I was not realizing my full potential. As someone who had big visions around my life, work and relationships - this left me feeling unfulfilled.

From the outside, it appeared like I “had it all” - graduated from top-tier universities for both undergrad and grad school (University of Chicago and Northwestern University, respectively), was married with a big house, had a successful corporate career in IT management and consulting. But inside, I felt empty - like there was something missing. I was going through the motions of life, rather than truly living it.

I would constantly be looking forward to the weekends and vacations. And on vacations, I would dream about what it would be like to move to wherever I was visiting - and never go back home.

I couldn’t see how my normal, day-to-day life could ever translate to happiness and fulfillment. Because of this, I suffered through bouts of anxiety, depression and stress. I didn’t feel connected to what was truly meaningful to me. Heck, I didn’t even know what that was at the time!

It is through my own struggles that I realized how important mindfulness and energy management are on my path of self-discovery and personal mastery. During this time, I dedicated myself to a multitude of ancient wisdom traditions, including meditation, Chinese medicine, and martial arts. As well as “Western science,” such as psychology, neuroscience and various counseling modalities. These continue to be key tools in helping me to grow as a person and strive towards a truly intentional and purposeful life.

This is why I’m so excited to share the Inner Foundation Series framework and contemplative training program I’ve developed with all of my clients. It’s a unique blend of effective internal training skills and tools that align people with the outer results they want to create in their lives.

Whether it’s through 1-1 coaching, my group programs, or “do-it-yourself” offerings that allow people to learn and practice at their own pace - one of the most fulfilling things for me personally in life is when clients share with me the positive shifts or “real life results” they’ve experienced in their own lives.

It’s when we are able to show up as our highest selves that we inspire others around us to be able to do the same and realize what is truly possible for them. In turn, we make the world a better place.

My Background
Unlicensed Psychotherapist (Colorado NLC.0013772)

MS, CIS (Northwestern University)
BA, Psychology (University of Chicago)
ACIBM 6-Month Group Coaching Program for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs (2015)

  • Mike Wang Coaching

    “I originally went to Mike to heal from infidelity in a long term relationship. After that relationship ended, I started dating. I quickly discovered I was attracting the same type of people, which was the opposite of what I wanted. Mike helped me see and overcome the patterns that had previously kept me from attracting and keeping the right relationship.”

  • Mike Wang Coaching

    “I was burnt out nine months ago and realized I needed help. Mike has helped me recover and given me tools to avoid burnout in the future. I now have better boundaries around my work life, and work no longer takes over everything. I've delegated some tasks to colleagues so I can focus on what I'm best at and make more meaningful contributions. I also have time to work on high-value projects that I couldn't do before. Mike gave me the tools to understand myself better. He listened, kept me focused, and helped me make positive changes. I couldn't have done it without him. Thank you!”

  • Mike Wang Coaching

    “I was referred to Mike by my therapist to get support around eating better and to start exercising. I was dealing with depression and body image issues. I know I needed a major lifestyle overhaul and prioritize my health. Mike was an integral part of my healing, and he has empowered me to make lasting changes with incredible results. I now feel less depressed, more stable, and optimistic about my future! My diet is healthier than ever before. For the first time in my life, I not only feel motivated but actually excited about exercising.”