The Art of Energetic Leadership:
Conscious Influence in Everyday Life

Have you ever sensed that true leadership transcends conventional boundaries, that it’s more about the unseen, energetic presence you bring to every aspect of your life?

The Art of Energetic Leadership invites you on a profound journey to explore leadership not as a role but as a state of being, centered in internal alignment and conscious influence.

Inspired by stories of individuals who have shifted their own lives and the world around them from the inside out, this course is your guide to unlocking a new dimension of leadership.

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In a world fixated on external achievements and authority, true leadership begins within. Leadership in the modern world is evolving. It's no longer sufficient to lead with directives; the call now is for leadership that inspires and elevates.

It's about aligning your energy, thoughts, and emotions to lead by example, influencing your relationships and environment in profound and constructive ways.

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The Art of Energetic Leadership is about discovering the leader within, one who guides through the power of their energetic presence and conscious intention.

It's about creating a ripple effect of positive change that starts within and radiates outward, touching every aspect of your life and those around you.

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If you're ready to redefine leadership as a personal journey of internal alignment and energetic influence, this course is for you.

Join us to explore a new paradigm of leadership. Transform your inner world to consciously influence your outer world. 

It's designed for those who understand that leadership is not about exerting power over others, but about inspiring change through the example of their own aligned living.

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The course will teach you:

How to Move Beyond the Mind's Chatter so you can step into the power of using your thoughts as a force for creating constructive change in your environment. Discover how to move beyond the endless stream of mental noise to a place of purposeful action and influence.

How to Embody the Essence of Visionary Leadership so you can delve into the art of envisioning a future that resonates deeply with your true self. Learn how to energetically align with this vision, bringing it into reality through the power of your presence and actions.

How to Influence through Emotional Resonance so you can unearth the pivotal role emotions play in validating your beliefs and creating your vision. Master the art of leveraging your emotional energy to consciously influence your surroundings in alignment with your deepest intentions.

How to Stop Trying to "Manage" Your External Environment so you can embrace a transformative approach to leadership that focuses on influence rather than control. Understand how leading by energetic example creates a ripple effect, inspiring change and growth around you.

How to Cultivate Focus and Momentum in an Unfocused World so you can gain strategies to strengthen your focus amidst distractions, maintaining momentum towards your vision through intentional thought and action. You will discover how sustained focus amplifies your ability to lead energetically.

Course Overview

Participants in the Art of Conscious Action will be committing to a 3-module (self-paced) program. All lessons are pre-recorded.

Each lesson contains:

Lesson videos that introduce
the concepts and skills being trained

Journaling/contemplation prompts

Guided meditation/inner training
audio recordings

Energy reset techniques
to use throughout the day

Sample Lesson Topics:

  • True Power: From Control to Influence
  • Harnessing Emotional States to Influence Your Environment
  • The Struggle of Focus in a Distracted World
  • Shaping Your World from Within
  • Contribution as a Focus
  • The Creative Power of Love over Fear



MIKE WANG is a coach for heart-centered high performers and creator of the Inner Foundation Series contemplative training program, which helps people learn to manage their energy and align mental and emotional strategies in order to achieve greater fulfillment in life, work and relationships.

He is also a meditation, qigong, tai chi and kung fu teacher - having practiced these contemplative mind-body practices for over 25 years and has been teaching out of his studio in Boulder, Colorado since 2007.