Understanding and Overcoming Overwhelm


Imagine that you’ve just come home from a long day at work, and as soon as you walk through the door, your spouse asks you to take out the trash. It’s a simple task, but suddenly, it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You’re overwhelmed. Maybe you often feel this way, even with small tasks. Or perhaps it takes a mountain of responsibilities to push you to that point. Why is it that some people seem to navigate similar situations effortlessly while others struggle?

Overwhelm is a deeply personal experience. The same set of tasks might leave one person feeling completely buried, while another person remains unfazed. This difference highlights an essential truth: overwhelm isn't about what's happening around us but rather what’s happening inside us.

Overwhelm is an internal experience. It acts like an emotional lens, distorting our perception and making small tasks seem monumental. But where does this lens come from, and why does it vary so much from one person to another?

The Role of Energy in Overwhelm

Think about your energy. Not just your physical energy, but your emotional and mental energy as well. Some days, you wake up feeling refreshed, and the day's tasks seem manageable, even enjoyable. Other days, the same to-do list feels like an insurmountable challenge. What changes is not the external world but your internal state.

This internal state is shaped by our thoughts, emotions, and the condition of our nervous system. If our minds are cluttered with worries and our emotions tinged with anxiety, our nervous system is likely to be on high alert. This state makes us more susceptible to feeling overwhelmed. On the other hand, when our thoughts are clear, our emotions balanced, and our nervous system calm, we can handle much more without feeling overwhelmed.

Interpreting and Reacting to Circumstances

When we experience overwhelm, anxiety, sadness, or anger, these emotions aren’t direct results of our life circumstances. They stem from how we interpret and react to these circumstances. Many people believe that improving their emotional state requires changing their external situation: their relationships, their finances, their health, or their environment. However, those who consistently experience joy and fulfillment don't let their circumstances dictate their emotions.

Individuals who feel joy, inspiration, passion, and enthusiasm regularly aren't controlled by their external situations. They often create positive circumstances because their actions are driven by positive emotions. They possess high emotional resilience, enabling them to maintain joy, gratitude, and empowerment regardless of what’s happening around them.


Gaining Insight and Shifting Perspectives

A significant step in overcoming overwhelm is understanding how our minds contribute to it. To gain this insight, jot down your thoughts when you feel overwhelmed. You’ll likely notice recurring themes: feeling there’s too much to do and not enough time, believing it’s all up to you with no support, or doubting your skills and abilities.

For example, if you focus on having too much to do and not enough time, overwhelm is inevitable. Similarly, believing that you must handle everything alone without any support can make manageable tasks seem overwhelming. Lastly, doubting your abilities and feeling incompetent can also trigger stress and overwhelm.

Picture someone you look up to who successfully manages a heavy load of responsibilities. Think of a leader or entrepreneur who navigates a demanding schedule with ease. These individuals don’t let the extensive list of tasks overwhelm them. Instead, they prioritize their goals and embrace the opportunities that come their way.

High performers don't see time as a limitation but as a resource to be leveraged. They understand it’s not all up to them and that they can access various resources and support systems. They view challenges as growth opportunities and believe in their ability to learn and adapt.

Nurturing Your Inner World

To manage overwhelm, we must redirect our minds towards thought strategies that promote positive experiences like inspiration, empowerment, gratitude, and possibility. If you frequently feel overwhelmed, identify the themes your mind focuses on and use this awareness to shift your perspective.

By nurturing our inner world, we can transform how we experience the outer world. This inner foundation supports resilience, clarity, and balance, enabling us to handle life’s demands with greater ease and grace.