

People-Pleasing vs. Interdependence (5 Differences)


In this blog post, we're going to explore a topic that's super important but often misunderstood: the difference between people-pleasing and healthy interdependence with others. Understanding this distinction can transform your relationships and lead to a more fulfilling, balanced life.

What is People-Pleasing?

People-pleasing is a behavior pattern where someone goes out of their way to satisfy others, often at their own expense. It stems from a deep-seated need for approval and acceptance…

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Why Starting and Finishing Tasks is Challenging for You


Do you ever find yourself struggling with initiation and follow-through skills? You might set goals with the best intentions but find it challenging to start, let alone finish them. This experience is more common than you think, and it’s rooted deeply in our inner emotional and thought patterns.

Initiation and follow-through are closely connected, even though they might seem like separate skills. The ability to start something new often depends on how secure and motivated we feel. If we s…

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Boundaries Rooted in Inner Congruence and Vision



The Pitfalls of Reactive Boundaries

Reactive boundaries, built like shields or fortresses, rely on a constant state of vigilance. They require you to be perpetually on guard, ready to defend against any perceived threat. This approach can lead to heightened stress and anxiety because your sense of security is dependent upon keeping external factors in check. It creates a scenario where your inner state is dictated by the actions and behaviors of others, leaving you in a reactive mode, alw…

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Why Momentum Can Be a Good Thing (Even If It’s Scary)


In today's video, we're going to explore a topic that might feel a bit intimidating for some people at first, but trust me, it's something we all need to embrace: momentum. Now, momentum can feel a bit overwhelming for a lot of people, but I hope you'll see why it's actually a good thing to welcome into your life.

So, what exactly is momentum? Simply put, momentum is the result of our sustained focus. When we keep our attention on something, whether it's a goal, a milestone, or a vision, …

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High Performance as a Journey of Joy


In this post, I want to talk about something that often stirs up mixed feelings: the term "high performer." As a coach for heart-centered high performers, I frequently encounter people who get triggered by this term. Let's explore why that happens and how we can reframe it to support our growth and expansion.

Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room - why do so many people get triggered by the term "high performer"? The root cause often boils down to feelings of unworthiness and past…

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Turning "It Is What It Is" into "What Can It Become?”


When we hear the saying, "It is what it is," it can feel like a comforting acceptance of reality. It's a phrase many of us use to acknowledge that sometimes, circumstances are beyond our control. But while there's a certain peace in accepting things as they are, this mindset can also be disempowering. Let’s explore why this seemingly benign phrase can hold us back and how adopting a proactive approach can lead to a more fulfilling life.

When we say to ourselves, "It is what it is," it oft…

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Inner Foundation Series (Brief Overview)

The Inner Foundation Series (IFS) is a contemplative training program that teaches you how to align your inner landscape with the outcomes you choose to create for yourself and in your life.

This foundational program is comprised of 4 courses, where I will guide you through a process of self-exploration so that you can discover the present state of your inner landscape and learn how to align it with the results you desire.


IFS1: The Art of Mindful Visioning (AMV)
Discover why vision is essentia…

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Is Vision Essential?



Welcome everyone! Eric Klein from Wisdom Heart and Mike Wang from Mike Wang Coaching are here to dive into what it means to live an awakened, integrated, powerful, and fulfilling life. In our discussion, we frequently encounter questions about vision: "Do I need a vision? What is a vision? How do I find mine?" Let's explore these topics together.

Mike starts by explaining that over 90% of his clients initially don't know what a vision is or how to identify one. Vision, he says, is essent…

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Embracing the Playful Essence of Life


All of us play different roles in our lives. Spouse. Parent. Teacher. Friend. Each of these roles comes with its own set of expectations, joys, and challenges. They're like different hats we wear; each fitting a specific context, each bringing out a different side of us. But here's something important: the moment we start believing that we are solely any one of these hats, we lose sight of the playful, dynamic essence of life itself.

Imagine life as a grand, improvisational play. When we'…

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The Art of Energetic Leadership


Have you ever met someone who, despite facing personal challenges, radiated confidence and resilience, inspiring those around them?

Or maybe you've had a teacher or mentor who, instead of relying on their authority, captivated and motivated you through their passion and belief in their subject?

These are examples of energetic leadership. Imagine stepping away from the conventional view of leadership that's all about titles and directives, and instead, exploring leadership as a state of…

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