Why Is "Forced Positivity" Toxic?
In this blog post, I talk about how positivity can become toxic when we try to use it to deny or suppress our authentic emotions and experiences around a challenging situation.
We frequently see this on social media where influencers promote messaging such as "good vibes only" or "everything happens for a reason."
We're often led to believe that anything less than being happy all the time means that we've somehow failed at life. That our life doesn't measure up to what we s…
Unconscious Commitments and Following Through in Life
Do you have trouble following through on promises you make to yourself? Maybe you're committed to getting in shape but just can't seem to make it to the gym consistently. Or maybe you're trying to eat healthier but you keep reaching for that junk food. Being able to stick to your goals is not always about having more discipline and willpower.
We start each day having a finite amount of energy and other resources, such as time - to spend on all the different things we want to d…
Feeling the Need to Always "Save" People
Are you the person everyone calls when they need something? Do you often find yourself in situations where you’re always helping others in crisis? Do you volunteer to help others even when you don’t have the time or energy? Or even if you’re not the best person to help them?
Many of us struggle with always wanting to save others and “fight their fires,” whether they’re co-workers, family members, a partner, or complete strangers. While wanting to help others is certainly not a…
Engaging Empathy and Mindfulness in Difficult Conversations
Have you ever dreaded having a difficult conversation with someone before? Unless you live by yourself in a cave, the answer is almost definitely "yes."
We often procrastinate or even try to avoid needing to have difficult conversations altogether. A part of us thinks, maybe, just maybe, things will resolve on its own.
That we don't actually need to speak our truth - or that the other person should just know how we feel and what we want. Of course, this rarely happens - so …
Analysis Paralysis
Do you find yourself spending a lot of time thinking through scenarios? Or maybe you spend hours upon hours making elaborate plans and schedules in an effort to help you reach your goals? Does it seem like no matter how thoroughly you think through everything you need to do - that you still don’t accomplish what you want by the end of the day?
While it's important for us to plan and prepare in our daily lives, it can only get us so far. When we begin to spend more of our day …
What is FOMO? And How Do We Overcome the Fear Of Missing Out?
Are you unable to say “no” to a party invitation - even if you have some work to do? Or have you ever come across a picture on Instagram that your friend has posted while on vacation and you desperately wish you were there with them instead of at your 9-5 job that you're not passionate about?
Those are examples of FOMO - the Fear Of Missing Out. When I Google FOMO - I come up with "anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often arouse…
"Growth Mindset" and the HSP
Have you been hearing people discuss the idea of having a “growth mindset?” And wondered what having a growth mindset even means? Or whether it’s something that could apply to your life?
In recent years, having a “growth mindset” has become more commonly encouraged and talked about, especially in spaces focused on productivity and self-improvement. The basic concept of having a growth mindset is having a mindset where one believes that their skills and abilities have the poten…
Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by your responsibilities? Do you feel like you’re always running around doing something - or spending most of your time doing things for others? Do you feel like your commitments have control over your life?
In today’s world, it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of overcommitting. And it’s even harder to get out. Usually by the time we realize that we are overwhelmed by our commitments, it feels like it’s already too late. Whether we are afraid of…
How Emotions Form the Foundation of Our Beliefs
We all have beliefs. And the beliefs we hold will influence and direct our lives, whether or not they are in our best interest.
For example, we may think we are unattractive. Or that we're not very smart. Or that we're not capable of having healthy relationships with others.
Or maybe we think we're lucky to be alive. Or that we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Or that people are inherently good.
What's important to recognize, is that beliefs, in and of themselve…
Not Fully Showing Up for Self and Others
Are you the friend that’s always late to dinner? Do you tend to cancel or not show up to appointments and commitments at the last minute? Or is it hard for you to even make appointments and commitments in the first place?
For some of us, being on time and following through on commitments can be incredibly difficult. When we find ourselves unable to show up in a consistent manner, whether to appointments, fulfilling duties, or even hanging out with friends - this behavior m…