

Harnessing Your Inner Emotional Landscape


Have you ever found yourself walking into your favorite coffee shop, only to be met with an unenthusiastic barista rolling their eyes at your special order? Or perhaps you've experienced the disappointment of being passed over for a promotion at work, or felt the sting of a fellow hiker ignoring your friendly nod on a favorite trail. Even the smallest encounters can sometimes knock our mood off-kilter.

Adding fuel to the fire are those politically charged discussions that don't resonate w…

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Refilling Your Cup: A Lesson on Self-Care and Following Your Passions


Every day, we wake up to the promise of a fresh start—an opportunity to etch our identities in the world, chase our dreams, and live a life that reflects our true selves. However, many of us find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of daily demands, our personal dreams and desires frequently taking a backseat to the needs of those around us.

Today, I'd like to share an insightful story about a friend of mine, Tony. A doting family man and a compassionate friend, Tony is the epitome of selfl…

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Unlocking the Power of our Thoughts: The Conscious and Unconscious Mind



According to popular searches on Google, an average person has approximately 70,000 thoughts per day. Even thought-leader Deepak Chopra suggests people experience anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts each day. While the exact number might differ depending on how we define a "thought," for the purpose of our discussion, it doesn't really matter. What's crucial is the understanding that, throughout each day, the majority of our thoughts are unconscious, surpassing the number of thoughts …

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Managing Your Emotions: The 90-Second Rule



Have you ever heard of the "90-second rule" in the realm of emotions? This principle, highlighted by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a renowned brain scientist, in her book "My Stroke of Insight," uncovers a profound understanding of how we experience and manage our emotions.

Unpacking the 90-Second Rule

When an event occurs that stirs a certain emotion within you, your body responds by releasing chemicals that induce this particular feeling. But the fascinating fact is, your body expels these c…

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How Can I Manage My Emotions in the Present While Acknowledging the Past?




Think about dealing with emotions not as a deep dive into the past, but more as recognizing when little bits of our past sneak into our current thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. This may sound like a small difference, but it can change the way we handle our emotions in a big way.

When we talk about our feelings, we're not supposed to just keep going back to what's happened before, always looking through old memories. We can easily get stuck in our past, dissecting each event hoping to …

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Am I Too Old?




Picture this: you're at that 'certain age', maybe 'middle-aged', pondering a career shift, thinking about dating again, or seriously contemplating a complete overhaul of your health and fitness due to a recent health scare. But then you shrug and think to yourself, "I'm too old for this."

This is something I hear often since I work with a lot of clients in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s. Many have built successful careers in the corporate world or academia. Some have become newly single a…

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Decoding The Link: Physical and Emotional Sensations




Human experience is an intricate fusion of physical and emotional sensations. They can evoke a rush of feelings at a beautiful melody or make our heart race in a scary situation. This happens because our physical and emotional sensations are entwined in our nervous system. However, the connection isn't always beneficial.

The complex network of our nervous system houses both physical and emotional sensations. Emotions, although abstract, often manifest themselves physically in our bodies…

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The Mirror of Relationships: Understanding and Transforming Emotional Patterns




Relationships are fascinating. They can be beautiful, challenging, uplifting, and sometimes, disheartening. At the heart of all relationships, there's a dance - a subtle, unconscious interplay of emotional patterns. To understand and transform these patterns is to unlock the key to healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Much like a magnetic force, we pull towards us what we internally resonate with. If we regularly experience anger or resentment in our close relationships, it's likely that …

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How Relationships Serve as Mirrors for Self-Discovery and Personal Growth



Have you ever wondered why our relationships hold such immense power over us? It's because they serve as mirrors, reflecting what's unfolding within us. Whether it's the bond we share with a friend, partner, parent, child, or even encounters with strangers, every interaction becomes a chance for self-discovery.⁣

Think about it: the emotions stirred up by the people in our lives are not caused solely by their actions or words. They simply act as catalysts, awakening the inner emotions and e…

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Unleashing True Potential: Cultivating Inner Skills for External Success



If you want to get fit, you can hire a personal trainer. They might share with you their knowledge of nutrition. Or, the correct form to use while doing particular exercises. If you want to learn how to play the piano, it’s relatively easy to find a good teacher these days, especially now with the Internet. If you want to learn how to improve your relationships, you can read books, watch YouTube videos, ask ChatGPT.

The point is, finding ways to develop these “external skills” is relativel…

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